Hi Friends! We’ve been here for 2 and half years now and I finally put together an entry way table! I am so happy with how it all turned out! I really wanted it to be the first thing that catches your eyes when you first walk in! So it was important to find a beautiful gold ornate french mirror! (I love all things french btw!) I picked this one because of it’s wide width which balances the length of the console table. And I also needed it to fit the height of the wall underneath the stair rails so it was the perfect choice! Plus most people like to look in the mirror when they first get ready to walk out the house to double check themselves! I was on the hunt for weeks for a big white oversized vase to put on this table to make a big over the top floral arrangement! Everything was just too expensive and I just didn’t want to spend that much! So one day, I happened to be in a home Potterybarn store shopping when I saw this one! I checked the price and couldn’t believe it was marked down on clearance! So it came home with me! Such a nice score!! I have seen this gold eye glass accessory many times while shopping in HomeGoods but never had a need to pick it up! When I thought about it again, I decided it would be a perfect styling accessory to use on this console table. So I went back to hunt for it and it was no where to be found! The lesson of the day would be whenever you are in a store like Home Goods and you see something you like you go grab it because it is not guaranteed the next day! When I picked the white marble table lamp, I wanted something that was a little bit contemporary to balance out the the traditional french styled table! What do you all think friends?! Did I hit it out of the park with a french glam entry way?! XO!
Console Table Marble Table Lamp Gold Eyeglass Accessory Crystal Paperweight(I cannot find the exact one since I got it at HomeGoods, so I listed the best alternative!) Faux Floral Stem Roses White Vase (Is now discontinued so I linked something similar!) Gold French Mirror

What do you think?